Thursday, April 16, 2009

Home for a week that was

Well we went home for a week and what a week it was. Not sure we have recovered from it yet. the best thing of the week was seeing Janet (twice) which was cool and seeing all the Sutton Girls. It was also nice to catch up with Gary, Vicki, kids and Jeff. We also had Jan and Terry, Lindy. Libby and Nimmos (all at least once). It was social to say nothing of Scott and Aaron and the Bangalow Crescent crews getting attention too.

Paul had a cancer cut out on Monday, me on Tuesday. Mine was just a wart in the end but Paul was sick a couple of days and still recovering. We bought a truck, had a dozen trips to buy things for it (do we really need all this stuff Nimmo?), and managed to buy and set up two new computers and reconfigure two others for Jeff and Brooke.

I also went to Rosewood three times and spent a whole day with mum. That was probably the most relaxing day of the lot.

How on earth did we manage to do the BAS's too?

We also got dozen's of deliveries including the Manigrida burial poles and brolga's, which Lindy helped me move, after everyone deserted me. They are a bit heavy!

So after some crazy days, we have at last got back north. Life is much simpler up here for us. We flew out of Darwin Tuesday afternoon and arrived in the Tiwi's at Nguiu.

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