Thursday, December 4, 2008

Darwin Fact finding mission

Well, here we go again. We have won another BIA contract, this time in NT- new territory for us, but backed with the Qld experience, we have a wealth of stories, samples, and ideas to really do a good job.

We have made it to Darwin, working hard to build our training plan, so we can hit the road south to Minyerri, our first community. We have been meeting with regional agents, Indigenous Coordination centres, Government Business managers, and anyone who will listen. Once the network in Darwin kicks in, you get to meet tons of related people keen to help. This led to Paul getting a trip over to the Tiwi Islands to meet local people and check out the training centres and programs and Michelle talking to the ICCs about chances to get a hold of computers for communities we visit.

We are staying at Marg and John's, enjoying spoiling Ethel the dog, dipping in the pool, drinking wine with ice in and enjoying great dinners. Been also fun catching up with Steve and talking about possibilities to work together on IT Literacy projects for the community housing rollouts. There is synergy a-happening.

We are shopping for the trip south and dodging the storms and showers. Already Paul is talking about Pelican cases.

We have not been in photo mode yet. Tomorrow. I am really looking forward to driving south, never been there.

It is 40 degrees each day, so we have learned how to sweat. More later as we tell you about lands on the way to Minyerri.

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